边缘系统的激活,而边缘系统和情绪有极为密切的关系。可以粗略比较下面两幅图,黑白图中的彩色点的分布和彩色图中的红色部分有重合黑白图引自Koelsch, 2010参考:Juslin, P. N. (2013). From everyday emotions to aesthetic emotions: towards a unified theory of musical emotions. Physics of life reviews, 10(3), 235-266.Juslin, P. N., Harmat, L., & Eerola, T. (2013). What makes music emotionally significant? Exploring the underlying mechanisms. Psychology of Music, 42(4), 599-623.Koelsch, S. (2010). Towards a neural basis of music-evoked emotions. Trends in cognitive sciences, 14(3), 131-137.