正如美国音乐治疗之父Gaston说的:「音乐是一个人类必不可少和有效的功能,它在几千年中影响着人类的行为和自身条件。」 疗愈音乐,不止是心灵的药,也是“治病良药”…!过去曾有不少研究探索了音乐(特别是莫扎特的作品)对癫痫的治疗效果。早在20世纪70年代,科学家就发现了莫扎特的音乐可能减少癫痫患者的脑电图痫样放电,减少癫痫发作频率和发作时长。因而有学者提出利用“莫扎特效应”可以作为癫痫的辅助治疗方法。
Listening to Mozart while you pop ibuprofen could make the medication even more effective, a new study suggests.
研究显示:与单独用药相比,“布洛芬+音乐”对炎症性疼痛的镇痛效果提高了93%以上;在炎症性疼痛模型中,“大麻二酚+音乐”、“甘丙肽类似物NAX 5055+音乐”分别减少了21%和9%的肿胀。在手术性疼痛中,音乐本身也能减少77%的疼痛。这项研究的结果发表在3月27日的《神经病学前沿》杂志网络版上。
Studying mice, researchers found their pain was almost completely eradicated - with inflammation reduced 93 percent - when paired with music, while pills alone were only 70 percent effective.
The study, published today, offers groundbreaking insight into the therapeutic capacities of music, or at least of the specific Mozart playlist cultivated by the University of Utah Health team
If the findings translate to humans, as expected, it suggests music could be used to help reduce the amount of pain medication we need to take at a time.
Lead author Grzegorz Bulaj, PhD, envisions his playlist being rolled out publicly via an app for patients to play as they medicate. |