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How to live your life to the fullest?

书    名:When Breath Becomes Air

作    者:【美】Paul Kalanithi

译    者:何雨珈


朗读者:【美】Sunil Malhotra








作者保罗·卡拉尼什( Paul Kalanithi, 1977-2015),美国神经外科医生,作家。1977年生于亚利桑那州,获得斯坦福大学英语文学及人体生物学双料学位后,又于剑桥大学获得科学史与哲学研究硕士学位,并以优异成绩从耶鲁大学医学院毕业,即将获得斯坦福医学院外科教授职位并主持自己的研究室。保罗曾因其出色的研究成果,获得美国神经外科医生协会最高奖。2013年,即将抵达人生巅峰的保罗,忽然被诊断出患有第四期肺癌。2015年3月,37岁的保罗告别妻子和女儿,离开人世。


For Cady

You that seek what life is in death, 

Now find it air that once was breath. 

New names unknown, old names gone: 

Till time end bodies, but souls none. 

Reader! then make time, 

while you be, 

But steps to your eternity.

—Baron Brooke Fulke Greville, “Caelica 83”






——福尔克·格莱维尔(布鲁克伯爵) 的十四行诗《卡伊利卡 83》

 “Can we put her on your skin, Papa?” the nurse asked me.


 “No, I’m too c-c-cold,” I said, my teeth chattering. “But I would love to hold her.” 


They wrapped her in blankets and handed her to me. Feeling her weight in one arm, and gripping Lucy’s hand with the other, the possibilities of life emanated before us. 


The cancer cells in my body would still be dying, or they’d start growing again. Looking out over the expanse ahead I saw not an empty wasteland but something simpler: a blank page on which I would go on. 


Yet there is dynamism in our house.


Day to day, week to week, Cady blossoms: a first grasp, a first smile, a first laugh. 


Her pediatrician regularly records her growth on charts, tick marks indicating her progress over time. 


A brightening newness surrounds her. As she sits in my lap smiling, enthralled by my tuneless singing, an incandescence lights the room.


Time for me is now double-edged: every day brings me further from the low of my last relapse but closer to the next recurrence—and, eventually, death.


Perhaps later than I think, but certainly sooner than I desire. 


There are, I imagine, two responses to that realization. The most obvious might be an impulse to frantic activity: to “live life to its fullest,” to travel, to dine, to achieve a host of neglected ambitions. 


Part of the cruelty of cancer, though, is not only that it limits your time; it also limits your energy, vastly reducing the amount you can squeeze into a day. It is a tired hare who now races. 


And even if I had the energy, I prefer a more tortoiselike approach. I plod, I ponder. Some days, I simply persist. 


If time dilates when one moves at high speeds, does it contract when one moves barely at all? It must: the days have shortened considerably. 


With little to distinguish one day from the next, time has begun to feel static. In English, we use the word time in different ways: “The time is two forty-five” versus “I’m going through a tough time.” 


These days, time feels less like the ticking clock and more like a state of being. Languor settles in. There’s a feeling of openness. 


As a surgeon, focused on a patient in the OR, I might have found the position of the clock’s hands arbitrary, but I never thought them meaningless. Now the time of day means nothing, the day of the week scarcely more.


Medical training is relentlessly future-oriented, all about delayed gratification; you’re always thinking about what you’ll be doing five years down the line.


But now I don’t know what I’ll be doing five years down the line. I may be dead. I may not be. I may be healthy. I may be writing. I don’t know. 


And so it’s not all that useful to spend time thinking about the future—that is, beyond lunch. 


Verb conjugation has become muddled, as well. Which is correct: “I am a neurosurgeon,” “I was a neurosurgeon,” or “I had been a neurosurgeon before and will be again”? 


Graham Greene once said that life was lived in the first twenty years and the remainder was just reflection.


[Graham Greene:英国传奇作家,一生曾获21次诺贝尔文学奖提名。]

So what tense am I living in now? Have I proceeded beyond the present tense and into the past perfect? The future tense seems vacant and, on others’ lips, jarring. 


A few months ago, I celebrated my fifteenth college reunion at Stanford and stood out on the quad, drinking a whiskey as a pink sun dipped below the horizon; when old friends called out parting promises—“We’ll see you at the twenty-fifth!”—it seemed rude to respond with “Well…probably not.”


Everyone succumbs to finitude. I suspect I am not the only one who reaches this pluperfect state. Most ambitions are either achieved or abandoned; either way, they belong to the past. 


The future, instead of the ladder toward the goals of life, flattens out into a perpetual present. 


Money, status, all the vanities the preacher of Ecclesiastes described hold so little interest:a chasing after wind, indeed. 


Yet one thing cannot be robbed of her futurity: our daughter, Cady. I hope I’ll live long enough that she has some memory of me. 


Words have a longevity I do not. I had thought I could leave her a series of letters—but what would they say?


I don’t know what this girl will be like when she is fifteen; I don’t even know if she’ll take to the nickname we’ve given her. 


There is perhaps only one thing to say to this infant, who is all future, overlapping briefly with me, whose life, barring the improbable, is all but past. 


That message is simple: 


When you come to one of the many moments in life where you must give an account of yourself, provide a ledger of what you have been, and done, and meant to the world, do not, I pray, discount that you filled a dying man’s days with a sated joy, a joy unknown to me in all my prior years, a joy that does not hunger for more and more but rests, satisfied. In this time, right now, that is an enormous thing.


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